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2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263

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Special Education Courses

All Special Education Courses

SPED 3105 Professional Practice in Special Education I (1 credits)

This one-credit course is designed to augment the clinical experiences required throughout the Special Education Licensure Program and facilitate interaction with teacher coaches/mentors. This course is taken during the candidate's first semester in the program. Signature Assessment 1 is completed in this course. Prerequisites: Current teacher license or completion of a teaching degree or completion of ED 3100, ED 3110, enrolled in or completed ED 3350 or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: SPED 3600.
Common Course Outline

SPED 3400 Instructional Decision Making (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide an overview of and practical application with curriculum-based procedures for assessment and evaluation. The emphasis will be on classroom-based measures that can be used to make educational decisions to plan instruction for students¿particularly those who are experiencing academic difficulty. Prerequisite(s): SPED 3600
Common Course Outline

SPED 3450 ABS Educational Psychology (3 credits)

A study of the teaching and learning process with a focus on students with special education needs and how to ensure effective planning instruction, management, and assessment; learning from behavioral, information processing, and constructivist views focusing on how learning is influenced by cognitive, personal, social, and moral development, and by teaching approaches, motivation, and other factors attributed to the students' unique needs.
Common Course Outline

SPED 3550 ABS Pedagogy (3 credits)

Introduction to the elements of designing effective instruction for learners with special needs: learners, goals and objectives, teaching strategies, instructional technologies, and assessment, with special attention to the learners' unique needs. Concepts from educational psychology are applied to the development of appropriate educational materials for diverse learners. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, SPED 3600, SPED 3650, SPED 4715.
Common Course Outline

SPED 3566 Survey of Mild Disabilities II (3 credits)

This is an introductory level survey course that studies the strategies, methods and materials for educational programming necessary when teaching students with mild disabilities. This course focuses on history, etiology, characteristics, and instructional needs for individuals with mild disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities, and Emotional Behavior Disorders. This course addresses learner traits relevant to specific intervention methods and instructional strategies across content areas as well as the roles of educators in inclusive settings to successfully collaborate to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, 3110, 3140, 3350, SPED 3600, 3650 or instructor consent.
Common Course Outline

SPED 3567 Due Process: Evaluation (3 credits)

This course prepares special educators to responsibly conduct special education evaluations for the purposes of developing sound and legally correct IEPs. Prerequisite(s): SPED 3600.
Common Course Outline

SPED 3570 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Cognitive Disability Methods (3 credits)

This is an introductory level course that studies the strategies, methods and materials for educational programming necessary when teaching students with mild disabilities. This course focuses on history, etiology, characteristics, and instructional needs for individuals with mild disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Cognitive Disability. This course addresses learner traits relevant to specific intervention methods and instructional strategies across content areas as well as the roles of educators in inclusive settings to successfully collaborate to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Prerequisite(s) SPED 3600.
Common Course Outline

SPED 3600 Foundations of Special Education (3 credits)

This course provides future educators with a foundational understanding of special education. Students will learn about the history of special education and disabilities in American schools, characteristics of students with disabilities, special education processes, and evidence-based practices. Prerequisite(s): none
Common Course Outline

SPED 3620 Specific Learning Disabilities Methods (3 credits)

This course prepares students to apply the historical foundations, current educational definitions, federal and Minnesota eligibility criteria for services, etiology, comorbidity, impacts of information processing deficits, and social or emotional aspects of specific learning disabilities to their work with students with specific learning disabilities. Students will apply, analyze, and evaluate evidence-based practices to improve outcomes for students with specific learning disabilities. Prerequisite(s): SPED 3600
Common Course Outline

SPED 3650 Collaboration: Practitioners, Professional Partnerships, and Parents (3 credits)

This course prepares special educators for effective collaboration with practitioners, professionals, and parents to improve academic, behavioral, and post-secondary outcomes for students with disabilities in school, home, and community settings. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline

SPED 3655 Due Process Foundations (3 credits)

This course provides students with practical knowledge of due process procedures for special education teachers including managing referrals, interpreting evaluations, developing IEP¿s, utilizing special education documents, following timelines, and conducting IEP meetings to improve outcomes for students with disabilities in schools. Prerequisite(s): SPED 3600
Common Course Outline

SPED 3665 Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (3 credits)

This course prepares educators to apply the principles of PBIS to improve student outcomes through the use of evidence-based practices including functional assessment, social skills instruction, and classroom management techniques.
Common Course Outline

SPED 4107 Special Education Seminar (3 credits)

The Special Education Seminar supports students as they progress through student teaching and their completion of the edTPA. The class will meet online weekly throughout student teaching to discuss the application of content and skills learned in coursework as well as current issues and trends in special education such as instructional design, classroom management, due process, UDL, assessment, parent involvement, professional well-being, and inclusion. During the course, students will utilize OSEP Technical Assistance centers, What Works Clearinghouse, and identify other resources to be used during student teaching and into their careers as special educators. Further, students will examine the benefits of membership in professional organizations such as the Council for Exceptional Children and its many special interest divisions. Students will access and discuss various practitioner-oriented journals in the field of special education that will serve as recourse for evidence-based practices throughout their careers. Prerequisite(s): All ABS coursework Co-Requisite(s): ED 4840.
Common Course Outline

SPED 4500 ABS Math Methods (3 credits)

Study of problems students with mild- moderate learning needs exhibit in mathematics and of explicit teaching practices that are proven to be successful. Diagnostic, remedial and instructional strategies that meet state standards and reflect NCTM scope and sequence in mathematics are explored, developed and applied. The course requires an approved middle level (grades 5-8) clinical experience. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, SPED 3600, SPED 3650, SPED 4715.
Common Course Outline

SPED 4600 ABS Reading Methods (3 credits)

Study of the problems students with learning needs may exhibit in the area of reading and explicit teaching practices that are successful with such learners. Diagnostic, remedial and instructional best-practice strategies and activities are explored and applied. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, SPED 3600, SPED 3650, SPED 4715.
Common Course Outline

SPED 4700 ABS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (3 credits)

This course is designed to teach special education teachers the principles of Positive Behavior Supports and how they apply to instruction and management. Students will learn how PBIS can be applied at the school, classroom, and individual student levels. Students will also apply assessment methods learned in SPED 4650 to identify behavioral function for an individual student. Based on the results of the assessment, students will write a behavior intervention plan. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, SPED 3600, SPED 3650, SPED 4715.
Common Course Outline

SPED 4715 Foundations of Instruction for Special Educators (3 credits)

This course prepares students to apply the concepts of learning theory, evidence-based instructional design, and curricular interventions and techniques for the inclusive classroom. Prerequisite(s): SPED 3600.
Common Course Outline

SPED 4750 Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers (3 credits)

This course is designed to teach pre-service special education teachers the basics of Applied Behavior Analysis as well as classroom management skills that foster positive interactions among students in pre-K through 12th grade. Students will learn to conduct behavioral assessments, and report results through professional writing. Prerequisite(s): SPED 3600
Common Course Outline

SPED 4840 Student Teaching - Special Education (6 credits)

Full-time teaching with guidance and supervision by university supervisors and assigned school personnel. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: Completion of special education, foundations, core, and methods courses.
Common Course Outline

SPED 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)

Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline